Put your data to work.

Solution that turns complex project data into profit-boosting insights



  • Immediate Risk Identification: Quickly highlights cost codes or activities that may not be set up correctly, allowing for rapid identification of potential budget risks.

  • Alignment Verification: Ensures that quantities and time cards from the field align with initial job estimates, providing real-time alerts for discrepancies.

  • Actionable Insights: Offers a clear view of activities that need immediate attention, such as cost codes accumulating hours without corresponding quantities or vice versa.

  • Communication Facilitation: Enables project managers to have informed discussions with field teams and finance departments about discrepancies and necessary adjustments.

Bring it all together.

  • Executive Insights: Offers executive summaries that help senior management understand the overall financial health and performance of projects.

  • Performance Metrics: Displays key performance indicators (KPIs) that are crucial for assessing project success and identifying areas for improvement.

  • Holistic Data Aggregation:Aggregate data from multiple projects for a holistic view


  • Detailed Job Performance: Provides a detailed breakdown of job performance, including labor, materials, and equipment costs.

  • Activity Code Analysis: Offers insights into how specific activities are impacting the overall budget and schedule.

  • Real-time Data Ingestion via HCSS APIs : Integrates HCSS data from the field to ensure that project managers have the most up-to-date information.

  • Proactive Management: Enables project managers to take proactive steps to address issues before they escalate, ensuring project success.

Track. Analyze. Optimize. Excel

  • Labor Tracking: Monitors labor hours and productivity in real-time, helping to ensure that labor costs stay within budget.

  • Performance Analysis: Analyzes labor performance against budgeted hours and rates, identifying areas where productivity can be improved.

  • Historical Comparisons: Compares current labor performance with historical data to identify trends and make informed decisions.

  • Optimization Opportunities: Highlights opportunities for improving labor efficiency and reducing costs.

Forecast Accuracy

  • Forecast Comparison: Compares project manager forecasts with HCSS Heavy Job system forecasts to identify discrepancies.

  • Rationale Documentation: Saves project managers hours by providing a clear rationale for why their forecasts deviated from system forecasts.

  • Timeline of Forecasts: Displays a timeline of forecasts to track changes over time and understand the evolution of project expectations.

  • Risk Assessment: Identifies potential risks based on forecast discrepancies, allowing for early intervention and mitigation.

  • Enhanced Communication: Facilitates more informed conversations with finance teams by providing detailed insights into forecast variances and their impacts on the budget.

"ZentroQ transforms our financial conversations by aligning actual costs from invoicing, subcontractors, equipment, and fuel with our financial software. This integration provides clear insights into job-level P&L, helping us understand discrepancies between forecasts and actuals. With ZentroQ, we can bridge the gap between finance and project management, leading to better budget control and informed decision-making."

Rodney Ormond
Vice President Operations, Artera Services

Improving Forecast Accuracy by Comparing PM and HCSS Heavy Job Forecasts

Leverage ZentroQ to align and compare project manager forecasts with heavy job forecasts, ensuring more precise predictions and better resource allocation. This alignment helps in adjusting plans proactively to meet project goals.

Identifying Drivers of Budget Variances and Cost Overruns

Use ZentroQ to drill down into budget variances and identify specific factors causing cost overruns. Gain insights into labor, materials, equipment, and other cost components to implement corrective measures and stay within budget.

Analyzing Productivity and Performance Factors Across Projects

ZentroQ enables comprehensive analysis of productivity metrics and performance indicators across multiple projects. Identify best practices, recognize inefficiencies, and optimize processes to enhance overall project performance.

Providing Deeper Insights for Executive/Financial Reporting

Generate detailed and insightful reports for executives and financial stakeholders with ZentroQ. Present accurate data on project statuses, financial health, and key performance indicators to support strategic decision-making.

Enhancing Project Manager Productivity by Automating Analysis

Automate complex data analysis tasks with ZentroQ, allowing project managers to focus on high-value activities. Reduce manual data processing time and increase productivity by delivering instant analytical results.

Supporting Data-Driven Decision-Making in Operations

Empower operational teams with data-driven insights from ZentroQ. Make informed decisions based on real-time data, improving operational efficiency, reducing risks, and ensuring project milestones are achieved.

Use Cases

Improving Bid Accuracy and Competitiveness Based on Historical Data

Utilize ZentroQ to analyze historical project data and enhance the accuracy of future bids. Increase competitiveness by presenting precise, data-backed proposals that reflect realistic costs and timelines.

Evaluating Performance of Project Managers and Crews

Assess the performance of project managers and crews using ZentroQ's detailed analytics. Identify top performers, provide targeted feedback, and implement training programs to boost team productivity and effectiveness.

Streamlining Monthly Operating Reports and Financial Forecasting

Simplify the creation of monthly operating reports and financial forecasts with ZentroQ. Access up-to-date financial data and project metrics to produce comprehensive reports quickly and accurately.

Providing Early Warning of Potential Project Issues or Risks

Monitor project data continuously with ZentroQ to detect early signs of potential issues or risks. Implement proactive measures to mitigate risks, address problems before they escalate, and ensure project continuity.

ZentroQ equips heavy construction project managers and leaders with the tools to enhance efficiency, accuracy, and productivity across all aspects of their projects, driving better outcomes and higher profitability.

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